P***** N********* B**** Z*******'s avatar'
P***** N********* B**** Z*******1 tahun yang lepasAbout Job Interview

tomorrow i’ll be having my 1st interview. I am fresh grad, so i’m seeking an advice from professionals/experienced, what should I ask the recruiter during the interview session ? Thanks

Please enlighten me some of the importance stuffs that should be asked during the interview session since i don’t know much
Irfan Hakim's avatar'
Irfan Hakim1 tahun yang lepas
Congratulations on your upcoming interview! As an HR expert, here are some questions that could be helpful to ask during the interview: 1. Could you tell me more about the company culture? 2. What are the biggest challenges that the company is facing currently? 3. How does the company promote career development and growth opportunities for employees? 4. Could you walk me through what a typical day in this role would look like? 5. Are there any specific skills or qualities that you are looking for in a candidate for this role? Remember to listen actively to the employer's responses and take the opportunity to showcase your own skills and experiences. Good luck!